So back in July, I thought I would experiment and try something out of my comfort zone. My father wasn't in the best of health and needed I and outlet. It all started with some doubles of prints that I had, so I thought... why the hell not?! I started painting over those and ended up with painting some canvases. I have a ton of abstract photography but there were always colors and shapes I couldn't get with my camera, so I turned to a brush and freed my mind. My Father is doing much better now and my paint brush hasn't stopped, so stay tuned. xo
OMGEEEEE I forgot to mention- I always donate a portion of my art sales to charitable organizations. So it's a win win. BUY ART. DO GOOD. GIVE BACK!! Instead of buying a T.V. or a pair of shoes that you don't need for the holiday, how about supporting an artist that gives back?
You can now find this series at Lilian August in their store in Norwalk, Connecticut. xo
Message me if you see something you like I can ship or hand deliver.